Митинг во главе с архиепископом Багратом на Площади Республики (прямой эфир) Захарова: МИД России направил Армении ноту протеста после посещения армянской делегацией Бучи В Белом доме отказались сообщить, состоится ли встреча Байдена и Нетаньяху в Вашингтоне Нарендра Моди в третий раз будет приведен к присяге в качестве премьер-министра Индии Иран призвал страны группы D-8 разорвать все отношения с Израилем Никол Пашинян посетил участок села Марц межгосударственной дороги Ванадзор- Алаверди Премьеры Эстонии и Бельгии, глава МИД Польши претендуют на пост главы дипломатии ЕС Архиепископ Баграт Галстанян вместе со своими сторонниками автопробегом направляется в Ванадзор (прямой эфир) «Паст»: Что дадут Армении западные обещания? Пресс-конференция архиепископа Баграта Галстаняна международным СМИ (прямой эфир) 

Record viewing numbers, Taylor Swift and a dynasty: the season where the NFL reached new heights


With its bright lights, big names and halftime shows, the Super Bowl has always been the biggest sporting ticket in the US.

But even by Super Bowl’s standards, this year’s edition was a whole different ball game.

Between the storylines on the field to those off it – yes, Taylor Swift and her group of celebrity friends in the stands – more people than ever tuned into watch in Super Bowl LVIII.

Even for a sport which has dominated the US sporting market for years, the 2023 season showed the NFL reaching new heights.

A new audience

The NFL has always looked for ways to connect with new audiences, whether it be through social media campaigns, player participation programs or tailoring game coverage towards younger people.

Taylor Swift’s orbit into the NFL universe brought with it a new group of spectators: those fans of hers who might not have had any interest in the sport.

Her relationship with Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce was one of the main talking points of Super Bowl LVIII – her journey from Japan, her arrival in Allegiant Stadium, her entourage, cutaways to her in the stands and her celebrating on the field afterwards also received extensive coverage – whether people liked it or not.

And the viewing figures for the Super Bowl show how, combined with exciting postseason matchups this year, Swift’s sudden involvement around the Chiefs has elevated the NFL to new heights – which, is of course, is the name of Kelce and his brother Jason’s hit podcast.


However, no one at the NFL could have predicted the gift that kept on giving this season – the influx of ‘Swifties.’

A dynasty is born

Amid all the talk of “Swifties,” there is also the conversation of a new dynasty in the NFL.

From the New England Patriots’ run in the 2000s all the way back to the Green Bay Packers in the 1960s, sustained success from an individual team has come to define eras. And the 2023 season saw the cementing of the Kansas City dynasty.

The Super Bowl LVIII victory over the 49ers was their third title in five years as they became the first team since the Patriots in 2003 and 2004 to win back-to-back titles.

A barometer of a team’s sustained success can often be seen in the reaction of opposition fans to their winning.

The Patriots began as an up-and-coming underdog before later transitioning into a widely disliked team most fans were rooting against thanks to their winning ways.

And this season was the first time the Chiefs have had to deal with that pushback from the wider NFL fanbase, with many despairing at yet another Kansas City Super Bowl victory.

Just check the replies to any post on social media about their celebrations and you’ll see fans bemoaning the Chiefs lifting the Vince Lombardi Trophy yet again.

They will aim to go for a historic three-peat in the 2024 season, but the legacies of quarterback Patrick Mahomes, head coach Andy Reid and Kelce have been written into NFL lore already.

End of an era

While the Chiefs dynasty is just beginning, 2023 saw the last vestiges of another one in Massachusetts.

Last season was the final campaign for Bill Belichick as the head coach of the New England Patriots after a trophy-laden stint with the team.

The six-time Super Bowl-winner and the Patriots parted ways after 24 seasons in January, bringing to an end one of the greatest head coaching runs in NFL history.

Belichick compiled a 266-121 regular season record – and 30-12 in the postseason – during his time in Foxborough. He won six Super Bowls in nine appearances.

Belichick has 333 total victories (both regular and postseason) – the second most all-time behind Hall of Fame head coach Don Shula’s 347.

The 71-year-old also has 178 total losses (both regular and postseason) which is tied for most all-time with Hall of Fame head coach Tom Landry.

Belichick hasn’t suggested he will be retiring from the NFL – in fact, he interviewed twice for the Atlanta Falcons head coaching position which has since been filled.

So the question remains: where will we see Belichick prowl the touchline next?

Comeback stories

Although Joe Flacco won the NFL’s Comeback Player of the Year award for his late-season stint with the Cleveland Browns, there was another life-affirming story which this NFL season will be remembered for.

Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin completed a remarkable recovery having suffered a cardiac arrest in January last year, returning to NFL action later in 2023.

Hamlin collapsed in January 2023 after making a tackle and taking a shot to the head and chest area. Medical professionals performed CPR when he lost his pulse and he needed to be revived through resuscitation and defibrillation. He was on a ventilator for days and spent more than a week in a Cincinnati hospital.

It was later determined that Hamlin’s cardiac arrest was caused by commotio cordis, which can occur when severe trauma to the chest disrupts the heart’s electrical charge and causes dangerous fibrillations (or abnormal heartbeats).

Hamlin was fully cleared to resume football activities in April. By August, he was a full participant in preseason games and performed well – making three tackles in limited playing time, including a fourth-down tackle to force a turnover on downs, in the team’s first preseason game against the Indianapolis Colts.

The 25-year-old Hamlin played in Buffalo’s three preseason games but was on the inactive list for the Bills’ first three games of the season.

He made his first appearance of the NFL campaign in the Bills’ Week 4 clash against the Miami Dolphins, participating in the opening kickoff.

Hamlin only played in five games all season for the Bills, but the mere fact he was able to make it back to the field shows extraordinary resilience and character.

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