Безопасность или сытый желудок? «Предложение» ГД народу К каким катастрофам приведет авантюра Пашиняна «Народный премьер» обогнал всех. «Комплексы» и страхи Пашиняна Карт-бланш Запада Баку на начало новой войны Российско-Армянский клуб «Библио-Глобуса» Замминистра ИД Армении в Эр-Рияде встретился с замминистром ИТ Саудовской Аравии Задача правительства - адаптировать народ к меняющейся ситуации: Никол Пашинян Истинное отношение граждан к «революционерам» Неприкрытый страх Пашиняна перед «консенсусом минус один». Посыл властей Подводные камни «таинственного» ужина. Кто отсутствовал на собрании Анны Акопян 

The Drone Show is now in Armenia - an interview with an Armenian company about the details of the novelty in the field of advertising and entertainment


Sky dream drone show” company is a unique project in Armenia. We talked in more detail with Executive Director Polina Gharibyan and Technical Director Anna Barseghyan about holding and organizing drone light shows and a unique proposal that does not exist anywhere in the world except Armenia. They also revealed the topic of why this project is environmentally friendly.

The drone show is a fairly new phenomenon, especially as part of the entertainment of our country. Tell us more about this phenomenon, why is it unique?

A drone show is a light show that uses a large number of drones (small aircraft) from 100 to 3000 pieces. The drone show was used by such world giants as DISNEY, MERCEDES-BENZ, BMW, PARAMOUNT, CARTIER, HYUNDAI, MCDONALDS, AMWAY and others. Our company is a partner of the Russian company Geoscan, which is a leader in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles. The uniqueness of the drone show lies in the fact that this event can be seen within a radius of 3 km, which is much more than ordinary banners, and will not leave anyone indifferent. The field of light shows is developing rapidly, for example, improved shows, which can include drones with a "fire" effect or QR codes that can be scanned by smartphone.

Tell us about Sky Billboard - a unique offer that does not exist anywhere in the world except Armenia․

Sky Billboard is a drone show in which several companies can take part and order figures according to their design. Due to the fact that several companies participate in the show, this makes it cost-effective. Our company has the most advantageous offers for the Armenian market, which have no analogues in the whole world. It will always be held in one place, which will attract both locals and tourists, one show can fit a birthday greeting, advertising logos and figures that will remind a certain company, or even a marriage proposal. We plan to hold such shows once a month. When you choose SkyDream Drone Show, all you have to do is watch and enjoy the show, we will find the best solution for everyone. You can find out more about our professional team and what to expect from the work of creating a drone light show in person or on our website www.skydream.am

What kind of drone compositions can you compose during the show?

Drones can not only display images, but also write. With their help, you can display any brand names, appeals, mottos, slogans.
Branding or logos displayed against the starry sky always work to promote companies. Ideally, such advertising is suitable for festive events, during which a huge target audience gathers. Figures can be animated and have musical accompaniment, which creates an endless field for imagination. The number of drones can be more than 2000, I would like to note that it was the "Салют" drones that we use in the show that set the world record of 2198 drones simultaneously in the air. As conceived by the organizers, this light show became a figurative display of the feat of Soviet soldiers in the Great Patriotic War, among the figures there are symbols of Victory: a Soviet soldier, a red star, a dove and the inscription "2020 - Year of Memory and Glory." ", it became one of the events within the framework of the Year of Remembrance and Glory, recognized to preserve the memory of the Victory in World War II, to instill and strengthen the sense of belonging of everyone, regardless of their age, to the historical events of 1939-1945. the conclusion that a drone show is an unification of people, a nation, something unique that leaves a mark both in your memory and in your heart.

What is the main advantage of the drone light show?

The most important advantage of this project is environmental friendliness and safety, in contrast to pyrotechnic fireworks, as well as any other light shows that use flammable substances. There is a high likelihood of fires from sparks, especially given the climatic conditions of Armenia - this problem remains urgent. Also, do not forget about safety, since when they explode, there is a possibility of causing irreparable damage to yourself or relatives. The Salute drones that we use for the show clearly follow the route given to them and are never shown directly above the audience, the distance should be about 100 meters.

Note that everyone can take advantage of the drone show: from the individual person to a large company.  Polina and Anna assure that there is an optimal solution for each client.

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