While William wasn’t present at the memorial service on Tuesday, his diary hasn’t been cleared of public events and he was back in action on Thursday.

The palace has been trying to give out as much information as it can without compromising medical privacy. This is the challenge of an age-old monarchy operating in a transformed landscape, where people expect information immediately. It’s not always that the public is being insensitive, but rather that people care and want to know why someone they are used to seeing has disappeared from public view.

As a society, we’re accustomed to having information at our fingertips and there is an instinctive desire to fill the void. An example of plugging holes in gaps of knowledge is best represented in Netflix’s “The Crown.” It was initially based on historical record but as seasons moved closer to the present day, writers and producers were forced to dramatize moments for storytelling purposes.

The reality is that no one - beyond those immediately involved - knows exactly why William pulled out of this family event or how Kate is feeling day-to-day. The latest developments have emphasized that, while the Waleses are public servants, they are also people vulnerable to the same struggles we all face.