Перебранка в Парламенте Грузии переросла в потасовку Расмуссен на встрече с Пашиняном подчеркнул важность проекта правительства “Перекресток мира” В Женеве намечена встреча председателя Национального собрания Армении и председателя Милли Меджлиса Азербайджана Совместная работа по сохранению духовного и культурного наследия Арцаха Генсек ООН призвал расследовать смерть сотрудника организации в Рафахе ЕС не начнет переговоры с Грузией, если ее парламент окончательно примет закон «О прозрачности иностранного влияния»: Деканоидзе Спикер Национального собрания Армении принял посла Аргентины в РА Никол Пашинян принял делегацию, возглавляемую действующим председателем ОБСЕ Яном Боргом Встречу с министром ИД Азербайджана в Алматы Мирзоян оценил как конструктивную Закрепление Алма-Атинской декларации в мирном договоре поможет установить в регионе стабильный мир: Мирзоян 

Doing Digital Forum Returns Featuring Brett King as Keynote Speaker


SPRING PR will again host its annual International Doing Digital Forum (DDF) on 3 April in Yerevan. This year the Forum is entitled “Embracing Opportunities” and will focus on the latest approaches to digital transformation in finance and various business sectors, examine opportunities and the specifics of their localization, and position Armenia as a growing hub for digital transformation within the global technological and business community, thus enhancing the country's competitiveness. Ameriabank is the fintech partner of the forum.

This year's Doing Digital Forum promises an exciting lineup of foremost personalities and engaging topics, featuring some of the world’s top speakers, leading professionals, and experts. The keynote speaker of DDF24 is Brett King – world- renowned futurist, the founder of a new banking concept and bestselling author (Bank 2.0, Bank 3.0, Breaking Banks, Bank 4.0, The Rise of Technosocialism).

He is an expert on innovation, financial services and the future of business, a highly sought-after speaker globally. King has appeared as a commentator on CNN, CNBC, BBC, ABC, Fox, Bloomberg and other leading media entities and advised the regulators and bank boards around the world on digital transformation. Doing Digital Forum will be an exceptional platform to meet and learn from Brett King in Armenia.

Tatevik Simonyan, the Founder of the Doing Digital platform, says: "DDF24 will spotlight the transformative potential of technology and digitization across finance, state and economic sectors. Our aim is to unite the efforts of various stakeholders in the digital economy, positioning Armenia as a regional hub for innovative financial technologies and digital business solutions."

Ameriabank, a leading Armenian financial and technology company, is supporting the Doing Digital Forum for the second year․

“For us, digital transformation of the economy serves as a tool for improving the quality of life, a driving force for social change and economic growth. By bringing the digital transformation agenda to Armenia and inviting top experts in the field, we aim to jointly shape the future of fintech in our country and share our experience to achieve systemic development in this field,” Artak Hanesyan, CEO of Ameriabank, says.

Through keynote presentations, engaging panel discussions, and international case studies, DDF24 will touch on topics including: digital transformations across different sectors of economy and society, new financial technologies, future banking, talent acquisition in the digital era, AI applications in banking, the rise of fintech companies, and the future of banks. The forum will also highlight successful digital transformation initiatives, facilitating the exchange of valuable insights and experiences. Moreover, the issues regarding cryptocurrencies, data protection, cybersecurity risk management, and other challenges will be thoroughly examined and addressed.

The Doing Digital Forum welcomes all enthusiasts of digital transformation and advancement of the digital economy.

For the second year in a row, the innovation partner of the event is Visa, the investment partner is Apricot Capital and the blockchain partner is Fastex. The partners of the DDF24 are Ucraft and Hoory.


The inaugural Doing Digital Forum titled “Exploring Digital Future" achieved remarkable success, featuring keynote speaker Chris Skinner, a globally recognized expert in fintech and digital transformation. DDF23 hosted over 20 leading speakers, including representatives from the RA Government and Central Bank, and various local and international entities. With more than 1000 attendees from Armenia and over 7 countries, the event gained widespread acclaim and participation.

For registration, collaboration and more information please visit: doingdigital.am 



SPRING PR is an award-winning PR and research company founded in 2009 specializing in strategic communications, reputation management, events organization, and research. The company cooperates with a number of local and international large, medium, and small enterprises, state institutions, non-governmental and charitable organizations.

SPRING PR is a part of the global PR community, with professional involvement in such reputable international organizations as the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) and the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR).

Over the years, SPRING PR and its team have received top awards and recognition, including C4F Davos Awards (Communication for Future Davos Awards), IPRA Golden World Awards, and Eventiada IPRA Golden World Awards. In 2021 for the first time in the history of Armenian PR companies, SPRING PR was announced among the winners of “The IPRA Golden World Awards – 2021,” considered the field’s Oscar. SPRING PR co-founders Nvard Melkonyan and Tatevik Simonyan were named the “Global PR Leader of the year” at the exchange4media PR & Corp Comm

Women Achievers Summit and Awards 2022 and were included in the global list of 50 Influential Communications Leaders 2022.

Ameriabank CJSC

Ameriabank is a leading financial and technology company in Armenia, a major contributor to the Armenian economy, with assets exceeding AMD 1 trillion. In the course of digital transformation, it has launched a number of innovative solutions and platforms going beyond banking-only needs of its diverse customer base, thus creating a dynamically evolving financial technology space.

Ameria was the first in Armenia to create ecosystems for both businesses and individuals, which give one-window access to a range of banking and non-banking services, among them - Estate.ameriabank.am, Automarket.ameriabank.am, Business.ameriabank.am.

As a truly customer-centric company, Ameria aims to be a trusted and secure financial technology space with seamless solutions to improve the quality of life.

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