В Армении 21 сентября откроется выставка под названием «Мать-божество: от Анаит до Мариам» Москва не согласна с премьер-министром Армении Николом Пашиняном в его оценке ОДКБ: Песков Председатель НС РА принял посла Канады В Ереване проходит второй Всемирный армянский саммит (прямой эфир) В Seven Visions, The Dvin на высоком уровне прошла конференция молодых парламентариев со всего мира Фон дер Ляйен предложила Сежурне пост вице-президента ЕК по промышленности В Иране заявили, что не стремятся заполучить ядерное оружие Архиепископ: Не надо рассматривать слова Аджапахяна как отступление от своей предварительной позиции Иран ожидает поддержки от России в рамках проекта Север-Юг: Абдулнасир Хеммати Госдеп: США всегда готовы организовать встречу глав МИД Армении и Азербайджанa 

Armenia FM: Our proposals of creating mechanisms regarding border incidents, arms control still remain open


Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan, who is visiting Cyprus, delivered a statement during the joint press conference with his Cypriot colleague, Constantinos Kombos, Monday. The statement reads as follows:

“Honourable Minister,

My dear friend Constantinos,


I am very glad to be back to Nicosia in this capacity, my capacity of Foreign Affairs’ Minister. I warmly recall my previous visit. But today’s visit is of particular importance for me, because this is the first time the foreign minister of Armenia is honored to participate in the Ambassador’s Conference and address the distinguished heads of diplomatic missions of Cyprus. Dear Constantinos, thank you for this invitation, and I should say that I enjoyed the open and comprehensive discussion we had earlier today in that format.

Coming to our bilateral discussions today, I would like to stress the following four points.

First, we have solidified our partnership to a point where the presence of resident diplomatic missions in our capitals is simply a must. So I am pleased to join you in announcing that Armenia and Cyprus will reciprocally open embassies in the capitals of both countries in coming months. Needless to say that it will further contribute to strengthening our partnership and also people-to-people contacts.

Secondly, where and how to strengthen our partnership. I am glad to see that the trade turnover between the two countries has been growing during last year, and I believe it is exactly the direction we can and we should work jointly to outline new deliverables and ensure continuation of the positive dynamics.

My third point refers to Armenia’s partnership with the European Union. In fact, this is my first visit to a member state of the EU after the milestone decisions were taken by the EU Council, namely on launching the Visa Liberalization Dialogue with Armenia and providing assistance to our country under the European Peace Facility. And I think it is also symbolic as we are aware of the very supportive approach of Cyprus in reaching these historic milestones. Thus, I take this opportunity to thank you, dear Minister, but also other EU and member state colleagues for the support extended to my country in this path, including through the support to our democratic reforms which, of course, we are determined to continue. The two decisions taken by the EU Council will further bring Armenia and literally Armenia’s citizens closer to the EU and vice versa but also contribute to building Armenia’s resilience and hence regional stability. In parallel, we still have other new items on the agenda while we work on the prospects for a new enhanced Armenia-EU Partnership agenda.

And finally the fourth point: we have discussed today also the regional developments and overall situation around our countries. It is obvious that our partnership, friendship and cooperation has become even stronger due to the need to overcome common challenges. We have been closely cooperating and we will do so as long as there are pending issues, including of humanitarian nature, following the conflict and difficulties our people have been facing. We appreciate the assistance Cyprus has provided to Armenian people forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh.

Dear colleagues, as we have proven with our actions, Armenia is committed to peace and stability. In this regard, we have always expressed solidarity with the Republic of Cyprus supporting its efforts to find a just and lasting solution to the Cyprus problem in line with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and international law.

Our commitment is also reflected in the vision of establishing durable peace in our immediate neighborhood, the South Caucasus. Thus, dear attendees, I briefed my counterpart on the most recent discussions, including on the importance of signing the peace treaty with Azerbaijan stipulating the mutual recognition of territorial integrity based on the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration as well as the importance of ensuring the continuity of the delimitation process on the basis of the same declaration and thus the 1991 borderline. I think this position is both clear and consistent, but besides that, it has been also developed further by our proposals of creating mechanisms regarding border incidents as well as arms control, to which we have not yet received answers and which still remain open. I believe we should use the current historical momentum to work towards closing the page of enmity and preparing a better future for the economic development and prosperity of the entire region which is at an important crossroads.

Dear friend,

Concluding my remarks, I once again thank you for the invitation and today’s comprehensive discussions and warmest reception of my delegation.

Thank you very much.”

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