From the old players to a new "surprise". The political field is getting positioned ․ "Past"
"Past" daily writes Although Nikol Pashinyan renounced the agenda of resolving the country's political crisis through the snap elections which he once put forward, serious realignments are expected in future political processes. The cancellation of the snap elections did not resolve the political crisis in Armenia, it is just an attempt to indefinitely extend Nikol Pashinyan's rule, but the fact is that after such a turn of events, the main political players must rearrange and continue their struggle in accordance with new realities. One of the major players in the political field, the PAP traditionally has a great influence on both parliamentary and extra-parliamentary processes.
Gagik Tsarukyan played a key role in all the elections, and at this stage he will continue to do so. In the context of both the “street struggle” and the processes taking place in the parliament, Tsarukyan's position can be a breakthrough, which is extremely important from the point of view of creating political counterbalances and preventing permissiveness.
The second president of the Republic of Armenia Robert Kocharyan recently announced that he will participate and "win”, in case if snap elections happen. It is obvious that Kocharyan's application changes not only the position of the opposition forces, but also the position of the government in the political field. Regardless of the circumstance in which Robert Kocharyan will choose to speak, he will still be one of the main counterbalances to Nikol Pashinyan's government. The image of a "strong hand" and the factor of credibility give Kocharyan a significant role in future political "battles".
The third president, Serzh Sargsyan, continues to remain a very strong figure. Experts claim that his position in the ongoing processes continues to have a great influence on Nikol Pashinyan, even Serzh Sargsyan's position on not participating in the elections influenced the Prime Minister's decision to refuse to hold snap elections.
The ARF and the "Homeland" party will continue to play an influential role in the upcoming processes. These parties were initially positioned in the opposition field and are actively involved in the 17-format both in the pre-war and post-war period, and will maintain their influential positions in the future formats.
Arthur Vanetsyan and Ishkhan Saghatelyan are the younger generation, but they are very active and present in the current political race. It is difficult to say what position Edmon Marukyan and the "Bright Armenia" party will have in the future processes. As a parliamentary force, the party has come out of opposition positions, demanding the resignation of the government and its leader, not excluding the possibility of Marukyan being nominated for the post of Prime Minister, thus, of course, trying to present its own agenda in the political field. In this new reality, Marukyan can be an interesting factor.
The "surprise" of the political field, of course, is the head of the “Tovmasyan” Foundation, Artak Tovmasyan, who, after achieving success abroad, unexpectedly announced his political activity in Armenia. It is noteworthy that after his request to form a third pole, a disinformation attack was launched against him from both opposition and government circles. Experts predict that Tovmasyan can become one of the major players in the political field. Accordingly, the upcoming political processes promise not to be boring.
Both the government and the opposition are already preparing for different scenarios. But the recent war has brought some radical changes in the political perceptions and views of the society, which all political forces and figures must take into account. It is hard to believe that the citizen of the Republic of Armenia can again become a victim of lies, populism, dilettantism and demagoguery.